End Paper • Politics in REVIEW

    icon Dec 07, 2017
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Given the breadth, range, and impact of pivotal stories and events that transpired on the political front in 2017, a majority of these will be covered in our next edition of The Review.  However, one item deserves special mention, especially given the Mainstream Media’s propensity to bury it under the radar.

Within the thousands of pages of declassified documents pertaining to the Kennedy Assassination that were finally released by the CIA several weeks ago are several dispatches by agency operatives relating to how Adolf Hitler was alive and living in South America, including this photo that was taken in Columbia back in 1954. Despite additional dispatches contained in ancillary memos, CIA higher-ups reigned in their resources, claiming "enormous efforts could be spent with remote possibilities of establishing anything concrete" - so they squelched the investigation.

Given that the CIA was deeply involved in the 1950s with destabilizing Communist governments in Venezuela and Argentina, this revelation should be highly disturbing to all Americans. Photos of a highly advanced German U-boat also appear in the dossier, and the topic of German higher-ups escaping to South America was first thoroughly presented in the novel 'The Boys From Brazil', written by Ira Levin and later turned into a film.

The first document, dated Oct. 3, 1955,  says that an unnamed CIA agent referred to as “CIMELODY-3” was contacted by “a trusted friend who served under his command in Europe and who is presently residing in Maracaibo (Venezuela).”

That friend, who also remained anonymous, told the CIA agent that a former German SS trooper named Phillip Citroen told him that Hitler was actually still alive — and that the former dictator could no longer be prosecuted as a criminal of war because it had been over 10 years since the end of World War II. Citroen, according to the document, said he had been talking to Hitler “about once a month” during a business trip that took him to Colombia, where he said Hitler was hiding. The former German SS trooper also told CIMELODY-3’s friend that he posed with the alleged Hitler for a photograph, which was included in the CIA memo. Citroen said he is on the left side of the image, while the man he claims to be Hitler is on the right. The back of the image said “Adolf Shrittelmayor, Tunga, Colombia, 1954.”

There was additional controversy surrounding Hitler’s death in 2009, when U.S. researchers say they conducted a DNA test for an hour on what the Russian government claimed was a skull fragment of Hitler. The researchers found it belonged to “a woman between the ages of 20 and 40,” Nick Bellantoni, from the University of Connecticut, told ABC News.

The burning question, of course, is why does this appear in the Kennedy files?



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